n3= ..Beg:me is begging $$1 | me is holding %hisorher breath untill $$1 says yes | me is turning 8yellow | me is turning 13pink | me is turning purple | me is turning 11light blue | me is turning 2BLUE | me looks up at $$1 and asks $$1 $+ ... "had enough? Are ya gonna say yes now?"
n4= ..Take Hesheys:me takes $apost($$1) 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.10 and RUNS away with them!!!!
n5= ..Take Life savers:me takes $apost($$1) 15,15.16,2L1,9I16,3F16,4E1,8S16,10A1,4V16,10E1,9R16,5S15,15. , and RUNS away with them!!!!
n6= ..Take Tootsie:me 13takes $apost($$1) 1-=¥1,1.0,0.4,4.0,5Tootsie Roll4,4.0,0.1,1.1¥=-13, and RUNS away with it!!!!
n7= ..Take Skittles:me takes $apost($$1) 4<S>13<K>6<I>7<T>8<T>9<L>11<E>3<S> and is runs away laughing!
n8= ..Take M&&M's:me takes $apost($$1) 1(m)&5(m)'s and says who needs friends I got your candy hahaha!
n9= ..Spider Web:me can see spiders spinning webs about %himorher while waiting for $apost($$1) response
n10= .Beverages
n11= ..BudLightr:say hands $$1 an ice cold 15,1514,142,14BUD LIGHT14,1415,15, sorry that's all we got!
n12= ..Rollin'rock:say hands $$1 an ice cold 15,158,3Rollin' Rock15,15
n13= ..Samual Adams:say hands $$1 an ice cold Samual Adams...
n14= ..Hieneken:say hands $$1 an ice cold 15,158,3Hieneken15,15
n15= ..Cuervo:me hands $$1 a big Bottle of Jose Cuervo... mmmm...
n16= ..Jack:me hands $$1 a Shot of John Daniels....well, if you've known him as long as i have, can can call him john.
n17= ..Coffee:me serves up a fresh cup of coffee for all those who need the extra caffine? 5,1__P 15~~~
n18= ..Don Perignon:me hands $$1 a chilled glass of Don Perignon, hey, If it ain't Corbel...
n19= ..Hot Cocoa:me passes $$1 a cup of hot chocolate. 8,5__5P 15~~~~
n20= .Candy
n21= ..Pop Chan:say breaks out %hisorher cooler and asks the people in # what kind of pop they want? 15,15!1,140,3 74,3░0,3UP15,15! 15,15!0,41,4~0,4Coke1,4~15,15! 15,15!9,8Squirt15,15! 15,15!0,5Mr.Pi▀▀15,15! 15,15!0,3Sprite15,15! | say I also have Crush... 15,15!0,6Crush15,15! 15,15!0,7Crush15,15! 15,15!0,13Crush15,15!
n22= ..Pop Nick:say breaks out %hisorher cooler and asks $$1 what kind of pop do you want? 15,15!1,140,3 74,3░0,3UP15,15! 15,15!0,41,4~0,4Coke1,4~15,15! 15,15!9,8Squirt15,15! 15,15!0,5Mr.Pi▀▀15,15! 15,15!0,3Sprite15,15! 15,158,3MtDew15,15 | say $$1 I also have Crush... 15,15!0,6Crush15,15! 15,15!0,7Crush15,15! 15,15!0,13Crush15,15!
n23= ..Gum:say Offers $$1 some gum 14,14.4,8<~Juicy-Fruit~>14,14. | say or 14,14.1,90<~1,9SpearMint0,9~>14,14.
n24= ..Hershey's:say Hey $$1 wanna share my 15,15.5,5.415,5HERSHEY'S4,45,5.15,15.10 bar with me?
n76= ...Propose:me gets down on one knee before the wonderful $$1 | .timer 1 2 me asks $$1 "Will you make me the happiest person in the world...and marry me?"
n77= ...Romance:me grabs a good bottle of wine and invites $$1 to cuddle and watch the sunset...
n79= ...Stars and Stripes:me sings the Star Spangle Banner to $$1 $+ ! | say Ooh say can you see... $$1 is with me | .timer 1 3 say What so proudly we Hailed..At $apost($$1) Beauty | .timer 1 6 say And the Rockets RED GLARE.... $$1 has such Gorgeous hair... | .timer 1 9 say Gave thanks, thanks to GOD, that in the morning $$1 was still there. | .timer 1 12 say Oh-oh say does that Star Spangle...Banner Yet Wave.... | .timer 1 15 say For the Land Of the Free ...... | .timer 1 18 say $$1 is still with...MEEeeee!
n80= ...Swim:me swims across the deepest oceans to find my love $$1
n81= .Hurt
n82= ..B-H
n83= ...Bat:me grabs a blue plastic bat and smashes $$1 with it | .timer 1 2 say "Batter Up!!"
n84= ...Batteries:me Starts beaning AAA batteries at $apost($$1) head and as fast as he can throw them 15,15!1,1414,1Energizer15,15!1 7,7!1,147,1Duracell7,7!1
n85= ...Beat With...:me Bashes $$1 a while with a $$?="Enter the object you want to beat them with" | me then turns back to look at $$1 and laughs %hisorher ass off while $$1 is suffering.
n86= ...Bottle:me smashes a wine bottle over $apost($$1) head
n87= ...Cement Boots:me sneaks up behind $$1 and hits him over the head with a baseball bat. | .timer 1 2 me makes sure $$1 is unconscious, then drags him onto a boat | .timer 1 4 me puts $apost($$1) feet into a bucket . . then fills the bucket with concrete . . and lets the concrete dry | .timer 1 6 me awakes $$1 then pushes him off the boat and watches as he drowns in the ocean
n88= ...Chop:me chops $$1 up in millions of pieces and buries $$1 in the backyard
n89= ...Cliff:me shoves $$1 off the nearest cliff
n90= ...Drown:me drowns $$1 in a cup of water!
n91= ...Dynamite:me grabs a stick of dynamite and shoves it down $apost($$1) throat... | .timer 1 2 me lites the fuse and runs... | .timer 1 4 say * * * BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGG * * *
n92= ...%block2:me lights a stick of dynamitem, shoves it up $apost($$1) ass and runs like hell...
n93= ...Fire:me lights a match and sets $$1 on fire
n94= ...Firecracker:me lights a firecracker...throws it under $apost($$1) chair and runs away | .timer 1 2 say KAAAAAAAPOWWWWWWW.
n95= ...Garden Hose:me grabs a garden hose and sprays $$1 with cold water | .timer 1 2 say now your really are all wet $$1 $+ !!!
n96= ...Glass Punch:me wraps %hisorher hand with cloth, dips it in resin and then shards of broken glass, and punches $$1 in the face.
n97= ...Glove Slap:me takes off %hisorher gloves and slaps $$1 across the face
n98= ...Grenade:me takes out a grenade ... | .timer 1 2 me pulls the pin... | .timer 1 4 say 4 . . 3 . . 2 . . Tosses it at $$1 | .timer 1 6 say * * * BBBBBBBBAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG * * * | .timer 1 8 say Damn . . . . What a Blast . . . .
n99= ...Hang:me puts a tight rope around $apost($$1) neck and opens the channel trapdoor! | say hung!!!
n100= ...%block3:me notices that12 $$1 is hiring a hooker. I walk over to the hooker and give her a thin glass tube and 50 bucks. During the passion session of12 $$1 and the hooker, the hooker slips the thin glass tube down12 $apost($$1) dick. The hooker then grabs the dick and squeezes. After feeling the tube break, she quickly runs away. I laugh sadistically as I hear screams of pain from inside the hotel room.
n101= ...%block4:me gets in %hisorher Hummer and ties a chain to $apost($$1) balls and floors the gas..... RRRIIIIIIIIIPPPP
n102= ..K-S
n103= ...Kick:me moves back to do a roundhouse and hit $$1 in the $$?="where did ya kick um??" $+ !!!
n104= ...Lake:me drowns $$1 in the nearest lake
n105= ...Likes Slap:me slaps $$1 around a bit and $$1 likes it..
n106= ...Match:me sticks a lit match between $apost($$1) toes
n107= ...%block5:me kicks $$1 in the nads
n108= ...Nerf:me bops $$1 over the head with a nerf sledgehammer
n109= ...%block6:me kicks $$1 in da nuts.......
n110= ...Present:me is giving a present to $$1 (tick tock tick tock) | .timer 1 2 me hides under the table and waits... | .timer 1 5 say KABOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM
n111= ...Punch:me punches $$1 as hard as %heorshe can and watches as $apost($$1) eyes roll up in his head and passes out!
n112= ...Punch In...:me pulls back %hisorher fist and hits $$1 sharply in the $$?="where did ya hit um??" $+ !!!! | say now that's gotta hurt!!!
n113= ...Rats:me finds out where4 $$1 lives, I wait on4 $apost($$1) porch. When4 $$1 comes outside and sees me sitting there, he's shocked. I then throw an Axe at4 $$1 $+ , catching him upside the head. Then, I drag him back into the house and whip him within an inch of his life. Finally, I stuff 3 live rats into the throat of4 $$1 $+ .
n114= ...Saw:me runs after $$1 with a chain saw
n115= ...Shoot:me grabs a 44 mag | .timer 1 2 me shoots $$1 in the knee caps | .timer 1 4 say BANG BANG | .timer 1 5 me watches as $$1 falls to the ground
n116= ...Shotgun:me blows $$1 away with a double barrel shotgun!
n117= ...Shotgun2:me takes out %hisorher Shotgun.......And blows4 $apost($$1) head off !!!
n118= ...%block7:me takes aim from a rooftop above,..... snipe!.......... $$1 is killed by a silenced rifle! "Got that Tango Fucker!"
n119= ...Spit:me grabs $$1 by the throat.... throws $$1 up against a wall, and spits in $apost($$1) face.
n120= ...Sword:set %tvwhere $$?="Where did ya stab um??" | say Want to bring this back in time?? | .timer 1 2 me gets on %hisorher armor and ulls out %hisorher Version 5.83 Dark Dragon Sword | .timer 1 4 say you asked fer it | .timer 1 6 me hits $$1 with the sword in the %tvwhere
n141= ..Fake lag:say $$1 you there? | .timer 1 7 say are you still alive $$1 $+ ? | .timer 1 14 say are you ignoring me $$1 $+ ? | .timer 1 21 say you must be lagging $$1 HELLOOOO!! | .timer 1 28 say WOOO 39 sec ping reply WoW! | .timer 1 35 say you better do something about that lagg $$1 | .timer 1 42 say HELLO!! ARGH! | .timer 1 49 say hehehehe Gotcha!
n142= ..Give "/":me gives a 1000 "/" to $$1. ..here, that should be good enough for today ..:)
n144= ..Smurf:me falls to the ground ....and turns into a GIANT SMURF....THEN SINGS THE SMURF SONG TO $$1 ALL NIGHT LONG! | say LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA | say you want an oncore preformance?
n145= .Rude
n146= ..B-L
n147= ...Bag:me is tired of seeing $apost($$1) butt ugly face | me gives $$1 a bag for their head to hide all the zits
n148= ...Bath:me thinks that $$1 REALLY needs a BATH..... :)
n149= ...BiaTcH:me Slaps $$1 upside the eead..and yells "BiaTcH!!"
n150= ...Blonde:me thinks $$1 is a natural blonde by the way she types | me does intensive research going through many hair dyes to find out... nope $$1 is just plain stupid!!!!
n151= ...Butt Face:me sees that $$1 has a face similar to a buttox - (_5|_) - almost an exact match!
n152= ...Cantalope:me lights a Cantalope on fire and throws it at $$1
n153= ...%block9:me 8,1C1,8a8,1U1,8t8,1I1,8o8,1N16 4 There is an assh0le in the channel and he goes by the name of $$1 8,1C1,8a8,1U1,8t8,1I1,8o8,1N16 1
n154= ...Corn Flakes:say $$1 $+ : Yep. I'd say you're almost as interesting as the corn flakes I had for breakfast this morning.
n155= ...Diaper:me slaps $$1 with an old diaper full of extricated chile burritos!
n156= ...%block10:say 7DoN'T 6B 10a | say 0,0||0,0||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||0,0||0,0||0,0||0,0||0,0||0,0||1,15||0,0||1,15||0,0|| | say 1,7||1,7||1,7||0,0||0,0||0,0||0,0||0,0||1,10||1,10||1,10||0,0||1,15||1,15//0,0||0,0|| | say 1,7||0,0||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||0,0||0,0||1,10||0,0||0,0||0,0||1,15||1,15\\0,0||0,0|| | say 1,7||1,7||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||0,0||0,0||1,10||1,10||1,10||0,0||1,15||0,0||1,15||0,0||0,0||15 $$1 !!!
n157= ...Dog:me lets loose %hisorher dog after $$1 | me gets sad after Rover left %himorher that %heorshe writes a country song about Rover and $$1 $+ 's affair
n158= ...%block11:say $$1 $+ , if my dog had a face like yours, I would shave my his ass and make him walk backwards.
n159= ...Freeze:me grabs a pitcher of ice cold water | me then pours the ice cold water over $$1
n160= ...%block12:say 1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0..1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.0,0.1,1.0,0....1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0.. | say 1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0..1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0..1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0.0,0....1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0..1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0.. | say 1,1.1,1.0,0.0,0..1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0..1,1.1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0....1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0..1,1.1,1.0,0.0,0..1,1.1,1.0,0.0,0.. | say 1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0..1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.1,1.0,0.0,0....1,1.1,1.1,1.0,0..1,1.0,0.0,0.0,0..1,1.1,0
n161= ...%block13:say 4,4||||||15,15||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||4,4||||||15,15||4,4||15,15||||4,4||15,15||||||4,4||15,15||4,4|| | say 4,4||15,15||||||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||||||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||||||||4,4||15,15||4,4|| | say 4,4||||||15,15||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||||||4,4||4,4||15,15||||||||||4,4||15,15||4,4|| | say 4,4||15,15||||||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||||||4,4||15,15||4,4||15,15||||||||4,4||15,15||4,4|| | say 4,4||15,15||||||4,4||||||15,15||4,4||||||15,15||4,4||15,15||15,15||4,4||15,15||||||4,4||||||4,15 $$1 LeaVe Me aLoNe
n162= ...Ginsu:me starts playing with ginsu knives and accidently gives $$1 a neat trim....... | me thinks $$1 looks very nice bald
n163= ...Jerk:say 7 $$1 6Don't 10be 15sucha | say 1,7||1,7||1,7||0,0||1,6||1,6||1,6||0,0||1,10||1,10||1,10||0,0||1,15||0,0||1,15||0,0|| | say 0,0||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||0,0||0,0||0,0||1,10||0,0||1,10||0,0||1,15||1,15//0,0||0,0|| | say 0,0||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||1,6||1,6||0,0||1,10||1,10||1,10||0,0||1,15||0,0||0,0||0,0|| | say 0,0||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||0,0||0,0||0,0||1,10||1,10||0,0||0,0||1,15||1,15\\0,0||0,0|| | say 1,7||1,7||0,0||0,0||1,6||1,6||1,6||0,0||1,10||0,0||1,10||0,0||1,15||0,0||1,15||0,0||
n164= ...%block14:me says to $$1 maybe you like to kiss this more.. (_5o_)
n165= ...Lamer:say 1,1..0,0....1,1......0,0..1,1....0,0..1,1....0,0..1,1......0,0..1,1...... | say 1,1..0,0....1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0......1,1..0,0..1,1.. | say 1,1..0,0....1,1......0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1......0,0..1,1...... | say 1,1..0,0....1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0......1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0......1,1....0,0.. | say 1,1....0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..0,0......1,1..0,0..1,1......0,0..1,1..0,0..1,1..1,0 $$1
n176= ....Lamest:say Lame-o-Meter [--------{10}] 10/10 $$1 is the master! I bow to $apost($$1) lameness...
n177= ...Lamer Def:me says "1. Lam-er (noun) : a person who is lame. example of a lamer: $$1 :)
n178= ...%block15:me thinks $$1 looks pretty lonely and would like some company | me gives $$1 a blow up doll to make their life dream come true....to find someone as smart as them
n179= ..M-W
n180= ...%block16:me pulls down %hisorher pants and moons $$1 and yells "KISS THIS" (_5|_)
n181= ...Mr. Rogers:me sings.... It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood a beautiful day to be neighbors, would you be mine, could you be mine: Hello everyone, todays speial word is 'lamer', can you say l-a-m-e-r? " $+ $$1 $+ " good.... I am so proud of you... "won't you be, my lamer...."
n182= ...Newbie Def:me says "1. New-bie (noun): a person who is new. 2. a person who pretends NOT to be new by being a moron 3. see Lamer for more details. example of a Newbie: $$1 :)
n183= ...Paintball:me shoots $$1 with %hisorher Paintball Gun!!!!! | say Pa!!! Pa!!! Pa!!! | say 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*1*2*3*4*5*6* $$1 7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15* |
n184= ...PBCantalope:me dips giant cantalopes in peanut butter and throws them at $$1
n185= ...Problem:me says " $+ $$1 $+ , DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM?" | .timer 1 2 say WELL SOLVE IT BUTTMUNCH!
n186= ...Pumpkin:me grabs a handful of Pumpkin guts and sticks them down $apost($$1) throat
n187= ...%block17:me takes off %hisorher pants n gives $$1 anus-to-mouth resuscitation...
n188= ...Roses are Red:say $$1 $+ : Roses are 4red, violets are 2blue... | say I was made beautiful, what the hell happened to you?
n189= ...%block18:say $$1 $+ : do me a favor, when you get a chance | .timer 1 2 say would you tell your mom that starting tommorrow night, she is going to have to pay me.
n190= ...Shout:me starts shouting "Long Live The Moose People" at $$1 and watches $$1 go totally insane
n191= ...Stone:me has been turned to stone cause of $apost($$1) uglyness!
n192= ...%block19:{
n193= if %hisorher = his me goes over to $$1...unzips his pants...takes out his weewee and says "can you take it all or is it too big for you?"
n194= else me goes over to $$1...unbuttons her shirt... takes out her left titty and says "can you take it all or is it too big for you?"
n195= }
n196= ...Toilet:me grabs $$1 by the neck... slams his head in the toilet...flushes the toilet and runs away...
n197= ...Towel:me pops $$1 on the butt with a wet towel..**Slaaaaappppppppppp**
n198= ...Tree:me logs the oldest sequoia tree n bulldozes it up $$1
n199= ...Trout:me slaps $$1 around with a hairy, slimey, smelly, and contaminated trout!
n200= ...Watermelon:me lights a Watermelon on fire and throws it at $$1
n201= ...Weed Wacker:me chases after $$1 with %hisorher weed wacker....hey you need a haircut!